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For people who don't know how to play, just download the file and open it, a browser page will pop up.

Yappy, ended with happy (I guess) ending with a partner. Made me slightly-tiny more miserable because I don't have one haha. Great game tho.



Wow great! 

nobody loves me


this game reinvented my depression thank u

Decided to be as honest as I can. I don't know if there was a happier ending to get, but the one I did hit perfectly. Thank you.


This page says best played in a browser, but I don’t see any way to play here. I think something went wrong with this page.

A light but very deep game!!! I went through this phase a few weeks ago. Anyway, let's help each other get through it. Thank you for this amazing game <33


Is there a good ending? I keep ending in the bathtub over and over again.


that was a nice game


where is the game?


in the html file, just doube click it


I gotta say, it is a good game, simple but good


when i was playing this game, i got the happy/good ending right away but was convinced it was a bad ending. i thought i was doing something wrong. i played this over and over, and i kept getting the same ending everytime. this game helped me realize that getting a "good ending" in depression isnt about being happy. it isnt about never being sad again. its about surviving, getting through each day, and being content with the life you have. thank you for this.

Deleted 349 days ago

I found a happy ending. I hope you all find it too, good luck <3


depresso the game


i put my gf name, and now im scared lol.


damn, the fact that I put my fav's fictional characters name as my partner is kinda sad since he doesnt exist :[ 

i love this game


Dude this game is amazing. It's so real, all the situations, everything it's just... 
You're amazing.

this hit super close to home, great game

(2 edits) (+6)

I'm going to go ahead and guess there is no "good ending" ?

Played it through the first time, answered it honestly. And by that I mean, choosing exactly what I'm going through and not surprised at the story as it's..yeah what I'm going through. Cried before the ending.

Played through second time, still answering honestly, but trying to beat the ending sequence. Still crying.

Played through third time. Answered differently and less honestly. Still lined up with how I'm feeling. Can't figure out ending. Not crying anymore, just angry. 

I must have played it through 6 or 7 times, trying every outcome (the damn Fish thing hurt too). I tried every option, and clicked quick enough. If there's a good ending, then I can't find it. I don't know if that was the intention, that there isn't one, but if it is, the message isn't very positive. Then again, you did put a trigger warning. I liked it, even if I did feel worse, then angry, then a little better as I was determined to get a different outcome. (If only I could feel that way about real life), and then ultimately defeated. I wouldn't recommend it to someone like me or someone easily triggered, or going through this. I'd recommend it to people who haven't, and I can see it as a way to show how cruel depression, anxiety and that voice in your head putting you down can really be. Or, how it might be easy to pick the better choices, but it doesn't change the person inside you putting yourself down and the fact that if you need help, the best thing to do is to reach out and talk about it.  


i found a good ending :)

how? ive been trying for a bit 

Please tell me i want to survive whats the good ending or is that the good ending?


put medicine back NOT THE PHONE CREDIT and when youre havin a panic attack clench the pen and then let go and let yourself cry and then click one of the no or u cant and then you find the medicine and then youll automatically text your partner and theyll come home early and save you (thats what i did)

Deleted post




(1 edit) (+3)

damn. thank you for creating this. thank you :)

(1 edit)

-Made a Video. (Old Video)

-The Game: 06:47 (The 2nd Game)


as someone with depression who has tried to commit the big whoopsy, this nearly made me cry, good job i think


" t h e b i g w h o o p s y "


wow...that was so real...the pop-up questions were so... they were just like the voice in your head... it's so real. Great job. 

Damn, that was... real

Beautiful game. Just like everyone else iI loved seeing what i wrote actually be integrated. It's pretty much what im going through in my life right now and I could actually see a bit of myself in the game.
Very well done and I loved your writing. Nothing too cheesy or fancy but still deep enough to make you really feel it


wont open :( when I open the html its just a blank white page

I got the same blank page, im just writing this down in case the author finds a solution to this, it seems like a really amazing game.

maybe, erase it and download again?


As someone with severely painful Crohn's Disease, Generalized Anxiety Disorder with panic attacks, ADHD, and suicidal ideation, who has almost successfully killed myself when my Crohn's was at its worst and I was almost out of opioids to help with the pain, this game was something I could very easily relate to. My partner of 15 years has PTSD because of this.

My best friend killed himself by hanging himself in his garage back in November 2017. He told me he was going to do it about five minutes before he did it, although we had both talked about killing ourselves for about a year beforehand.

Nothing about this game shocked me. This is pretty much my reality. I deal with it day-by-day and try to struggle through. One day I am sure I will probably end up killing myself, but that day is not today.

(2 edits)

Hello internet stranger. Fellow depression and anxiety sufferer here, just here to drop by and tell you that you can always do it. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel, and to never, ever ever give up no matter what. Hang on tight! 

Thanks, gabfreak. Your comment was much appreciated. I hope you are having a great day!


That last sentence is literally what I think to myself every day, I feel you

I'd say that it's good to know that I'm not alone, but in this case, it isn't.

The solidarity is definitely appreciated... and I hope you're doing okay.


well i'm still here, got too many people that rely on me 


I get it dude honestly the only reason I'm still here is for my friends


I'm sorry. I'm deeply truly sorry.

this is realy deep

THank you for showing me what i wrote at the end, i meant them, i needed to see them.

(1 edit) (+1)

I wrote an article about this game! Truly fantastic :)

An amazing look into life with depression. I personally do not have depression, but this gave me a new perspective and a better idea of what my friends and family feel. Thank you, seriously.

Great story telling.feel like i connected to it on a deep level.

A+, would feel targeted but also less lonely again


As someone who has had these sort of thoughts, it has really opened my eyes. I managed to survive though, just like I am now...

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